www.sailorfej.net (ttyv42)

Login: web_visitor

Welcome to www.sailorfej.net, the home of Jeffrey Williams on the web.

A point of warning, this is a brand new website, and still very much under construction. Many, if not most, of the links currently go to dead ends. Hopefully it won't take long for me to fill the in the interesting content, assuming I actually have anything interesting to put up here.


web_visitor@www:~> ls -lR

dr-xr-xr-x 3 web_visitor web_visitor 512 Aug 10 2004 Family
dr-xr-xr-x 2 web_visitor web_visitor 512 Aug 10 2004 MyDogs
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 17:46 Journal.html

dr-xr-xr-x 3 web_visitor web_visitor 512 Aug 10 2004 ServicesOffered.SideWork
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 17:46 Resume.html
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 18:16 CurrentJob.html
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 18:19 Aspirations.html

-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 19:35 PoliticsAndPhilosophy.html
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 19:35 ReadingList.html
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 19:35 BoatBuildingAndSailing.html
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 19:35 MountainBiking.html
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 19:35 ComputersAndNetworks.html
-r-- r-- r-- 1 web_visitor web_visitor 1024 Aug 10 19:35 RandomProjects.html

web_visitor@www:~> _